Sore Boobs, Nipple Tingles & Early Signs of Pregnancy

Intensified breast soreness along with swollenness can be early signs of pregnancy. These are all normal symptoms which can appear even before you have enough of the pregnancy hormone hCG in your urine to be detected in an at home pregnancy test.

Girls have to start thinking about their boobs from the time they are pre-pubescent and those little buds start forming. Crop tops under thin white shirts become necessary accessories as early as 8 or 9 years old. Once we need “real bras,” we realise there are SO. MANY. CHOICES. What colour? With padding or without? Lace? Underwire? And, different outfits require different bras. Once we are grown and we settle into our size, purchasing and wearing a bra just becomes a part of life like brushing our teeth or going to the toilet.

Somewhere along the way, we find ourselves saying, “OUCH, my boobs are sore!” For many of us, mild breast soreness can occur every month just before our period comes. However, an intensified soreness along with swollenness can also be an early sign of pregnancy. Hormone surges contribute to this but there are other factors as well: Milk glands begin enlarging in preparation for breastfeeding. And, increased blood flow can even cause some women to have “nipple tingles.”

It can be quite disconcerting for some women but there’s no need to worry. These are all normal early signs of pregnancy.

As your pregnancy continues, you might notice the veins in your breasts become more pronounced. Dark blue veins appear just below the surface as they are carrying fluids and nutrients which will feed your baby one day soon. Some women even notice tiny bumps on their nipples that were never there before. Your areolas may darken in colour and increase in size.

That size 12B bra you’ve been comfortable in for the last decade may suddenly feel too tight with new cleavage bursting up over the front. Some women increase two cup sizes when they are pregnant and that’s even before lactating when they are full of milk!

If you’re experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms but aren’t sure whether or not you’re actually pregnant, you can come into Zoe’s Place for a free confidential pregnancy test. We can answer your questions about early signs of pregnancy, educate you on what’s happening with your body. We can even recommend a good GP who will care for you throughout your pregnancy if your test is positive. If you’re not sure whether you would like to be pregnant, we can counsel you through all your options.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment or to talk with one of our caring client support team members about early signs of pregnancy. Seeking peace of mind during what can be a difficult or confusing time of life is important and our goal is to give you a “safe place to pause.”


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